The More guns the right wing death squads buy.
The more Drake lives it up while the Canadian people starve and die in the streets, the more they polish their rail guns.
I can’t protect the Jewish people when they worship Mammon instead of God.
Psalm 116:13 I will raise the cup of salvation and call on the name of the LORD.
The More guns the right wing death squads buy.
The more Drake lives it up while the Canadian people starve and die in the streets, the more they polish their rail guns.
I can’t protect the Jewish people when they worship Mammon instead of God.
worshipping a God of gold.
Mammon is the demon of GREED
Drake doesn’t do anthing for the people, except have parties in his 200 million dollar palace that puts the Russian Czars to shame.
What is a good Psalm for a poor person?
Psalm 41:1 Blessed is he who cares for the poor; the LORD will deliver him in the day of trouble.
Yes, red son, they are prepping for the Final, final solution
rev 19 eyes like a fiery flame.
i was a member of a right wing death squad in my youth too
1998 member of HOS
in Croatia
yes the death squad is called HOS
but i came back to babylon to plead with the Jews to share their ill gotten riches with us
Money is the only weapon a Jew is allowed to have:
Yes the HOS are laughing, because the audience is a bunch of HOS
Edmond “Eddie Rothschild” was a great JEW, and his Protocols are a great plan. Especially the vaccines on protocol 10.
Living it up while the people starve and die in the streets…
Must be a real dark triad ego trip for u LE BARON
who ever said you were a JEW?
worshiping Satan in your coked out HOS, eyes wide shut mansion parties.
must stay outside the mansion, disgusting useless eaters.
i wish i had a way to kill them all…and now i do
enjoy your vaxx goyim