Peaceful A.I. Music

[Verse 1]
In a world where the scores fade away
I’m waiting for a brighter day
With every kick
I feel the strain
Until they put their weapons down
let love remain
Give peace a chance
let us dance
Turn your swords to stars
Together we’ll advance
No more walls
no more towers
Let’s build a future
In these hopeful hours
[Verse 2]
Trump and Putin
listen close
It’s time to make the world a host
For dreams that soar
for hopes that shine
Trade your anger for a grand design
Give peace a chance
let us dance
Turn your swords to stars
Together we’ll advance
No more walls
no more towers
Let’s build a future
In these hopeful hours
In the game of life
we all can score
When hearts unite
we’ll open up the door
So take the chance
let kindness flow
Let’s write a tale that love can grow
So here I stand
with dreams in hand
Singing for a world where we all can stand
With hope and peace
we’ll find our way
Together we can change the game today
Give peace a chance
let us dance

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