Hendrix Conspiracy

Jimi Hendrix stated, “Music is a spiritual thing of its own. You can hypnotize people with music and when you get them at the weakest point, you preach into the subconscious what we want to say” (Life; October 3, 1969)


During the Vietnam war most of the soldiers were named GI JOE. Hendrix’s anti war song hey Joe, Caused murder, divorce and all kinds of mayhem.

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7 Replies to “Hendrix Conspiracy”


    he is just a draft dodger with plastic surgery and voice box surgery

    i dated his son PREVAIL hendricks and he is a menace to society bum just like the old Hendrix.

  2. Joe has known Nelly for over 30 years…

    he would never hurt her, and he is immune to brainwashing.

    So Mr. Jimi Morgan Freeman illuminati bloodline’s song has no effect on him.

  3. Bloodlines of Illuminati
    Fritz Springmeier, 1995

    The Freeman Bloodline

    The amazing thing about this family is that it is not a family that people would have thought of as
    being one of the top thirteen; however, for me as a researcher of the elite and the Satanic hierarchy,
    the name pops up with surprising frequency. For instance, Stephen M. Freeman runs the Legal Affairs
    Dept. of the Civil Rights Division of the Anti-Defamation League (which is a daughter of the B’nai
    B’rith). The ADL is a dangerous organization controlled by the hierarchy. The illuminati drug money
    to fund this organization. Another Freeman is Walter Freeman who introduced the lobotomy into the
    U.S. with James W. Watts in 1936. The frontal lobotomy was a brutal method of mind control, that
    has been permitted to be done to us, under the disguise that it is of benefit to humanity. Then there
    was Simon Freeman an important intelligence officer. And the list goes on of people that are in key
    places with the Freeman name. But the most important position of all which removes all doubt that
    the family is at the top is that the late Grand Master of the Prieure de Sion was Gaylord Freeman.
    Independent discoverers of The PRIEURE DE SION
    What is the Prieure de Sion? Are we sure it exists? How does this relate to the hierarchy? The Prieure
    de Sion (Priory of Zion) was unknown to the general public until 1982 when a book co-authored by
    Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh, and Henry Lincoln came out. The book was entitled Holy Blood,
    Holy Grail and it offered historical proof that an organization called the Prieure de Sion was powerful
    and had existed since the time of the early crusades (1099 A.D.). In 1991, I came out a little more
    information on the Prieure de Sion. The organization is so little known to even my readership, that we
    need to stop and really examine the Prieure de Slon.
    In trying to figure out the mysteries surrounding this organization, Lincoln, Leigh and Baigent’s
    research led them to conclude that the holy bloodline that the Prieure de Sion guarded was the
    bloodline of Jesus. This immediately made all their research anathema (condemned and disliked) by
    the most of Christendom. I watched to see if Christians would refute the unbiblical parts of their
    research, but besides a couple of short articles (Christian Century, 9/1-8/82, – “Raiders of the Lost
    Grail” and Christianity Today, 9/3/82 – “Holy Blood, Holy Grail – holy mackerel”) in Christian
    periodicals (in addition to this was a small book in England- The Holy Grail Revealed) which
    simplistically claimed that the book was of no value because obviously it was erroneous, no one even
    pretended to try to refute the book (as far as I know except for that English book which did pretend
    but didn’t refute anything.) The authors went on to write two more popular historical exposes
    concerning the Prieure de Sion and Freemasonry (The Messianic Legacy and The Temple and The
    Lodge). Actually to be fair to the Christians, if I hadn’t already known from my research that much of
    the European information in Holy Blood. Holy Grail was correct, the wild religious speculation about
    Jesus in Part 3 may have caused me to doubt the book too. The first Christian author to pick up on the
    Prieure de Sion was J.R. Church who wrote Guardians of the Grail which built on Holy Blood. Holy
    Grail’s research in a constructive way and put more pieces of the puzzle together. At last a book was
    out that challenged some of the false ideas of Holy Blood, Holy Grail without blindly throwing their
    excellent research. While the public at large had never heard of the Prieure de Sion until Holy Blood.
    Holy Grail came out, the organization was written about in high level military intelligence briefings
    years before the book. Some of the men in high level intelligence have become concerned with the
    direction this nation is going. It is through such men that independent confirmation had leaked out
    even before the book. The information did get to some researchers. I came out with my Be Wise As
    Serpents book in 1991, which among other things covered the Prieure de Sion, after I had concluded
    that the evidence verified its existence.
    I approached the issue from my own angle of research. In researching the Illuminati it became clear 1.
    that bloodlines were very important, 2. that the people in high level Satanism believe they are
    descendents of the House of David, 3. the Illuminati’s activities tied in in many ways to the Prieure de
    Sion. One startling tie in was that the Freeman family was, according to an informant, one of the top
    13 Illuminati families. The ex-Illuminati people I received information from were not familiar with
    Holy Blood, Holy Grail nor Guardians of the Grail. Even if they had, which they definitely hadn’t,
    neither book mentions the Freeman family. It wasn’t until the researchers of Holy Blood, Holy Grail
    wrote their sequel The Messianic Legacy that was published in 1987 that the name Freeman came out
    as the leader of the Prieure de Sion. In short the way the research of mine and others simoultaneously
    from different angles came up independently with similar conclusions using totally different sources
    confirms beyond a doubt that the Prieure de Sion exists, and that the Freeman family is indeed a very
    powerful family. I have never spelled out in detail nil the proofs about the Prieure de Sion and the
    Freeman family, and even now I am not going to. To me the basics are facts, and I don’t want to get
    bogged down trying to prove the obvious, when there is so much more to learn. There are stubborn
    people whose minds will not come along no matter how much proof and encouragement. They will
    just have to stay where they are.
    The original start of the Prieure de Sion appears to have been the idea of a number of powerful
    bloodlines, and included various descendents of the Merovingians, including the House of Lorraine,
    the House of Guise, the Medicis, Sforzas, the Estes, the Gonzagas, and the St. Clairs (Sinclairs). The
    Medicis are tied to the Black Nobility also. From the beginning the Prieure de Sion has been
    committed to Hermetic Magic (a type of black magic that originated with the ancient Egyptians and
    portrayed in the Egyptian Book of the Dead.) René d’ Anjou, a descendent of the Merovingians
    persuaded Cosimo de Medici to establish in c. 1444 a non-church library at San Marco where Plato,
    Pythagorean works, and books on Hermetic Magic were translated. Up until this time, the Catholic
    church had control of all the libraries. It was from Cosimo dé Medici’s library that the spark of Greek
    and Egyptian teachings set off what developed into the Renaisannce, which was revival of humanism
    and the occult. It appears that during the Middle Ages, witchcraft and the mystery religions had
    seriously dissolved to the point that these modes of thought had to be relearned from the ancient
    writings. Interestingly, the Middle Ages when witchcraft and paganism were dissolving have been
    branded the ,,Dark Ages,, by the establishment, and inaccurately painted as a time when learning
    went out.. A magazine put out during W.W. II by Prieure de Sion members was Vaincre. The
    organization that took credit for the magazine was Alpha Galates. It carried articles on Atlantis,
    theosophy, Celtic wisdom, and other esoteric things. The magazine also declared itself in favor of a
    United Europe. Robert Schuman who was associated with the magazine Vaincre, later become a
    leading architect of the EEC. An internal magazine for Prieure de Sion members is CIRCUIT (the
    acronym for Chivalry of Catholic Rules and Institutions of the Independent and Traditionalist Union.
    A 1956 issue of CIRCUIT promotes the use of a 13-sign zodiac rather than the traditional 12. The
    1959 series of CIRCUIT refer the reader toVaincre. The CIRCUIT magazine which claims to write its
    articles with ‘hidden meaning,, says this cryptically about the Prieure de Sion, “We are not strategists
    and we stand above all religious denominations, political perspectives and financial matters. We give
    to those who come to us moral aid and the indispensible manna of the spirit.” Another article says,
    “…except through new methods and new men, for politics are dead. The curious fact remains that men
    do not wish to recognize this. There exists only one question: economic organization.” Dr. Otto von
    Hapsburg, a descendent of the Merovingians, and a Knights of Malta, headed Pan-Europa, an
    organization that has been working toward a U.S. of Europe. Their logo was a Celtic cross in a circle.
    The first point in time that the Prieure de Sion can be pinpointed is when Jerusalem was captured by
    the Crusaders and an abbey of monks that Peter the Hermit had belonged to was established in a
    building called the Abbey of Notre Dame de Mont de Sion just outside of Jerusalem. This abbey had
    an order that was called the Ordre de Sion. Over the centuries the Ordre de Sion has developed into
    what we have today as the Prieure de Sion (Priory of Zion in English). Bear in mind that the Ordre of
    Sion was visible for several centuries but has been totally secret after the 13th century. It became
    semi-visible during the 1960s and 70s and became secret again in 1984. The group of monks that
    made up the original order were led by Ursus of the Merovingians. They were given a place at Orval
    in France until they apparently decided to move to the Holy Land. This order appears to have had the
    power behind the scenes to have been in the position to select who would sit on the throne at
    Jerusalem, and the initially selected their man Godfroi de Bouillon. The Ordre de Sion (Prieure de
    Sion) set up a military order called the Knights Templar. Louis VII of France became indepted to the
    Knights Templar, and in repayment of the help he had received he established some of the Ordre de
    Sion at the priory of St. Samson, along with establishing 26 men (2 groups of 13) at a small priory at
    the Mount of Sion, Orleans, France. In 1188, the Ordre de Sion let the Knights Templars apparently
    go their own way, which eventually was to trouble. The story of the Knights Templars is exceedingly
    interesting because it relates to the Satanic International Bankers of today. The Knights Templars
    became the first European wide International Bankers.
    How their story fits into everything would take to long to tell at this point. At that time period when
    the Knights Templars took off on their own, the Ordre de Sion became the Prieure de Sion, and also
    used the names Ormus and Rose-Croix, The Prieure de Sion is intimately connected to the creation
    and guidance of the Rosicrucians and Freemasons. In the Be Wise As Serpents book, chapter 12 it
    talks about how the Prieure de Sion set up the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry.
    In 1613, the House of Lorraine (part of the Prieure de Sion) joined with the House of Stuart. After
    that the Prieure de Sion began to display more interest in Scotland. Scotland was one of the few
    countries wbere the Knights Tempiars had thrived when the order was suppressed by the order of the
    Pope. Scotland also had several occult traditions operating. It was a hotbed of occult activity.
    Scotland and the Scottish people have played a very big role in the New World Order conspiracy for
    centuries. Meanwhile, when the Prieure de Sion went underground they established their archives in
    some secret rooms beneath the chapel of St. Catherine, at the castle at Gisors, northern France in the
    rue de Vienne. The archieves were, according to reports, contained in 30 coffers. Secret tunnels
    connect the chapel with the local cemetery. The Merovingian descendents and the Prieure de Sion
    have guarded the sacred blood line that Satan has built up. Their members are secretly scattered in
    key positions throughout society. Many of the descendents are unaware of their heritage. For instance,
    within the Sinclair family only certain branches have kept up their generational occult heritage, and
    are aware of what is going on. Family trees subdivide over the centuries until the Merovingian family
    tree has become a forest. The Houses of Hapsburg-Lorraine (whose titles are dukes of Lorraine and
    Kings of Jerusalem), Plantard, Luxembourg, Montpezat, Montesquiou, among many others including
    the Freeman family, and hundreds of others. Be Wise As Serpents revealed for the first time (as far a

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