
Força is a Portuguese word that translates to “strength” or “force” in English. It can be used to encourage someone to be strong and persevere through challenges.

It’s not my fault, I thought it was over when she had more children. Then I heard she is single again so it is back to the waiting game.

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14 Replies to “Forca”

  1. Joe has finished his fight

    The final battle between the Lord and the kingdom of Satan will be about Marriage and the Family.’ Don’t be afraid, she added, because whoever works for the sanctity of Marriage and the Family will always be fought against and opposed in every way, because this is the decisive issue. Then she concluded: ‘nevertheless, Our Lady has already crushed his head’.

  2. it is not over, these bankers are like a hydra . Cut one head off and two more grow:

    Hercules defeated the Hydra

    Enlisting the help of his nephew Iolaus

    Cutting off one of the Hydra’s heads with Athena’s golden sword

    Cauterizing the wound with a flaming torch to prevent the head from growing back

    Removing the final head, leaving the body to fall dead in the marsh

    Burying the immortal head in a deep pit where no one was likely to dig it up because its venom was still a danger

  3. MY SON DAVID!!!



    with both of us dead!!!

    or maybe we aren’t dead?

    and are living on Rothschild boulevard in disguise with Jeffrey Epstein.

    we slither like the snake of Zion.

    David Rockefeller lived to a hundred.



    we are YUGOS…we should stick up for each other against “The Gods of War”, as Dr. Karadzic called them.

  5. You NWO guys think you are above the LAW

    When Joe put you on trial u labelled him a conspiracy NUT.

    greasing the hands of NATO Psychiatrists with your ILLUMINATI beast bucks…

    everyone in the west conditioned like Pavlov’s dogs to think this guy is a NUT when he mention keywords like NWO BANKSTERS & ILLUMINATI

    Well you ain’t above my LAW at SEAGAL ward in Vancouver General Hospital.

    Where Joe refused sex with the flower of Costa Rica…the Costa Rican Princess who was forced to abort her child.

    You doctors could of given her the 70,000 dollars you made to raise her child…instead you put the money in your filthy quack pockets.

  6. I want proof Evelyn and Jacob are dead.

    “If my sons did not want wars, there would be none.” Gutle Schnaper Rothschild.

    “I know thy works, and tribulation and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.”

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