
Fernando needs to be RETOOLED

Who is gonna save Fernandoo, our unemployed mechanical genius??? The automobile business was more of a cut throat business than being a Soldier in Angola and Mozambique.


Fernando thinks about hanging himself. Those patents are open source because the FBI swindled my countryman Nicola Tesla. Fernando gets the stick instead of the carrot from the PSYCHLOS on battlefield usury swindle earth.

IF RONALDO lends Fernando the money to become a Tesla Technician, i see him surviving and living a happy life. Psalm 15 LEND without interest.

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10 Replies to “Fernando”

  1. No cost

    As far as the actual START program, there is no cost. Perhaps one of the best aspects of Tesla mechanic school is that there is no cost to you for going through it. In fact, it is the exact opposite. Tesla pays you to go through the twelve-week course. The Tesla START Program pay is $9.46 per hour, students will receive this payment as a stipend.

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